I was asked to describe something memorable during my time at Loft Design, here was my answer:

Despite the quiet start (had to work with no voices (bad flu) for the first week - I will never forget that!), I really enjoyed being in the office and meeting everyone face-to-face. One memory that stood out: I had to animate something quickly for social media platforms like TikTok, Eventribes, and others. I was trying to figure out a 'strategy' for future tasks like this because I knew there would be more talks/events happening. I ended up coming up with the concept of the three-speaker box, which later gained approval from everyone. Now, every time I see it being used on LinkedIn, it fills me with 'pride', knowing it may have streamlined tasks for my colleagues, saving precious time amidst their busy schedules. It's truly an honor to witness the impact of my work in addressing all sorts of challenges and dilemmas and observing its influence spread.

I was asked to describe something memorable during my time at Loft Design, here was my answer:

Despite the quiet start (had to work with no voices (bad flu) for the first week - I will never forget that!), I really enjoyed being in the office and meeting everyone face-to-face. One memory that stood out: I had to animate something quickly for social media platforms like TikTok, Eventribes, and others. I was trying to figure out a 'strategy' for future tasks like this because I knew there would be more talks/events happening. I ended up coming up with the concept of the three-speaker box, which later gained approval from everyone. Now, every time I see it being used on LinkedIn, it fills me with 'pride', knowing it may have streamlined tasks for my colleagues, saving precious time amidst their busy schedules. It's truly an honor to witness the impact of my work in addressing all sorts of challenges and dilemmas and observing its influence spread.

Creative Year: 2024
Designer / Creative Team: Phoenix Feifan Gao
Loft Design

Creative Year: 2024
Designer / Creative Team: Phoenix Feifan Gao
Loft Design

Loft Design

Loft Design

2024 visual system / brand strategy

2024 visual system / brand strategy

Strategized and developed enterprise-scale visual system, redesigned and implemented web pages with new components & features;

unified brand expression and usage across various digital and physical platforms that includes printed and digital marketing materials, web design (digital assets & components), slide deck templates, newsletter, motion graphics on social media, etc.

Strategized and developed enterprise-scale visual system, redesigned and implemented web pages with new components & features;

unified brand expression and usage across various digital and physical platforms that includes printed and digital marketing materials, web design (digital assets & components), slide deck templates, newsletter, motion graphics on social media, etc.

For freelance works, collaboration and opportunities


For freelance works, collaboration and opportunities


For freelance works, collaboration and opportunities